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Student 付款计划 Information


Bridgewater State University offers an interest-free payment plan. BSU支付计划帮助学生及其家人支付每学期的学费, 住房, 膳食及学生所需费用(航空飞行费用不计算在内,须另行支付). 该计划将整个学期的付款分为四个月付款. The payment plan is available during fall and spring semesters.

支付计划是学生或其授权用户每学期必须选择的选项. 付款计划金额将基于实际学期的到期金额(总费用减去经济援助)。. 费用或援助的任何调整也将调整计划中的剩余付款. 每次进行调整时,学生和授权用户都会收到电子邮件通知.

Enrollment in the plan for fall semester begins mid-July; enrollment in the plan for spring semester begins mid-December. 每学期25美元.00 non-refundable enrollment fee is required at the time of enrollment.

With the payment plan, you can:

  • Enroll in the plan easily over the web.
  • 在您的在线工作表上查看符合该计划的费用和财务援助学分列表.
  • 使用信用卡或电子支票设置自动分期付款,或在到期时按月付款.
  • 接收电子邮件通知,因为您的计划因学生帐户活动的变化而调整.

Fall Installment Dates

Four installments (enrollment prior to 8月. 1)到期日:

  • 8月. 1
  • 9月. 1
  • 10月. 1
  • 11月. 1

Three installments (enrollment after 8月. 1):

  • Payments due on the first of each month 9月ember-11月ember.

Spring Installment Dates

Four installments (enrollment prior to 1月. 1)到期日:

  • 1月. 1
  • 2月. 1
  • 3月1日
  • 4月1日

Three installments (enrollment after 1月. 1):

  • Payments due on the first of each month 2月ruary-April.

You may access enrollment through eBill.



  1. 登录到 eBill
  2. 选择“注册付款计划”选项卡查看所提供的付款计划.
  3. Click on "view plan" to review information about the plan.
  4. Click "continue" to view the budget worksheet. 工作表将包括健康保险费用,直到在线豁免完成并调整帐户为止(此过程最多可能需要五个工作日). 要从学生帐户中扣除健康保险费用,学生必须填写 在线豁免. You can reduce future installments by filling in a down payment amount.
  5. Click "Display Payment Schedule." Carefully review the budget worksheet before clicking continue. 在这一点上,您将被问及是否要设置自动付款日期显示或您可以按月付款,因为他们到期.
  6. 你必须付这25美元.00 enrollment fee (non-refundable). At the time of enrollment, you may add a down payment.
  7. Last step: Review and print the payment plan agreement form. Check the "I Agree" box and continue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any student registered for the current term with eligible charges.

Eligible charges may be paid in four installments.


请注意: Two types of credits appear on the student account statement, memo credit (anticipated) and authorized credit (actual). 备忘学分暂时减少学生账户到期余额,代表预期资金, 但尚未收到. 授权贷方是指一旦达到支付日期,将作为实际付款记入帐户的资金.

由于各种原因,备忘信用证可能无法转换为授权信用证. 例如, 学生可能没有完成贷款入学咨询或签署本票. 这些必须在学生有资格获得贷款支付之前完成. 学生最终有责任确保所有备忘学分都支付到他们的账户.


是的, ladbrokes立博中文版的在线支付计划托管在一个安全的web服务器上, 使用业界领先的安全功能,确保学生及其授权用户的付款信息的安全.

You can pay online using a credit card* or electronic check by using eBill. Payments may also be mailed to:

The Office of Student Accounts
Bridgewater State University
Boyden Hall, Room 107
Bridgewater, MA 02325.  

Please include BEAR ID on memo line.

*All credit card payments will be assessed a 2.95% payment service fee (minimum $3.00) whether paid online, in person or over the phone. For international card payments, the processing fee will be assessed at 4.25%.

任何以电子支票(ACH)支付的款项,如因资金不足或银行信息不正确而被退回,将被罚款25美元.00 fee which will be billed to the student account.  注册和成绩单也将被保留在学生账户上.  未能解决未偿余额和/或未能更换退回的支票将危及未来的登记. 

Online, anytime, the suite is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. 
学生或授权用户(家长)都可以为学生注册该计划. It is easy to become an 授权用户. Students can follow the directions for adding an 授权用户.
No, you can make monthly payments as they come due.

If you miss a payment or we receive an insufficient funds check, a registration hold will be placed on the student's account. 如果在到期日之前没有收到付款或不是分期付款金额,则视为错过付款. A $15.每笔逾期付款将被收取00英镑的分期付款罚款. 在两次或两次以上的拖欠付款后,学生将从该计划中删除,并将全额付款.

Each semester you will need to provide the waiver form. The waiver will be posted to the account within five business days. 如果在参加计划后收到豁免,剩余的分期付款将减少.
校外奖学金在入学时不会被计入学分. 然而, when the scholarship check is received and applied to the account, it will pay toward the current installment due. 
No. Only one plan can be set up each semester per student.
你的费用或经济援助的任何变化也会调整该计划的剩余分期付款. You will receive email notifications as the plan adjusts.

Any change in 住房, meal plan selection or adding/dropping a course. Any change in the eligible charges is recalculated nightly. 这些变化将自动增加或减少剩余的分期付款. Other examples of changes would be waiving the health insurance. (It is best to waive before you enroll in the payment plan, 否则,费用将包括在您的工作表中,并且不会减少剩余的分期付款,直到豁免被处理(可能需要长达五个工作日).)此外,如果您在注册后申请停车卡,您的分期付款将会增加.

请注意: 我们在付款到期日之前设定了7天的期限,重新计算不会调整当前的分期付款, but will adjust the remaining installments.