


ladbrokes立博中文版 recognizes that you are a very important partner in your student's success. 我们的目标是与家长合作, family members and supporters of our students to ensure your student has a transformational college experience. 

学生生活中心(CSE)为家长提供服务, family members and supporters of our students opportunities to stay connected with the vibrant BSU community as part of our ongoing family engagement efforts and family orientation program.


BSU recognizes that our students have a diverse group of individuals supporting them throughout their time here. 我们在学生参与中心的规划和沟通, “父母”这个词,” “family” and “supporter” are inclusive of the diverse social dynamics that define a student's personal support system. 对一些学生来说, “父母”可能包括亲生父母, 继父母, 大家庭成员, 养父母和法定监护人.

“家庭”,对学生来说可能是直系亲属、大家庭、兄弟姐妹或配偶. “Supporter” may be individuals that belong to a student’s family or may be other close friends or 服务 providers in the student’s network.


Our BSU未来家庭 小册子现在有三种语言版本.



迎新会提供了一个了解更多学生经历的机会. 请ladbrokes立博中文版迎新网站 新学生 and 家庭 浏览迎新课程资源及详情.



在EngageBSU上创建BSU家庭中心帐户为家长提供ladbrokes立博中文版权限, family members and supporters of our currently enrolled students to have ongoing engagement with BSU. This experience will make it easier for 家庭 to stay informed through monthly newsletters and regularly posted information about campus 服务s,  资源, ladbrokes立博官网, 和更多的. 

请ladbrokes立博中文版 BSU家庭中心在EngageBSU 有关如何创建BSU家庭中心帐户的更多信息.


BSU parents, family members, and supporters have a history of joining together to support students. 你可以通过各种方式来支持学生的成功和努力, 值得BSU学生拥有改变人生的机会. 

  • The 学生应急基金 was created to support BSU students facing financial hardships resulting from emergency or crisis situations. 奖学金的目的是帮助减轻学生的短期经济需要.  
  • The 布里奇沃特基金 provides students with immediate support to ensure access to need-based financial assistance and life-transforming internships. 每一份礼物都很重要! 我们每年增加的资金越多,我们就可以为有资格的学生提供更多的奖学金.



BSU's comprehensive array of programs assists students in reaching their 知识 pursuits in a warm and friendly environment. 我们的校园提供了一个安全, 支持所有学生的文化,并提供广泛的服务,以帮助住房, 学术支持, 实习和职业规划.


The Federal Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law to protect student privacy. FERPA outlines what type of information contained as part of a student education record can be released to third parties. 在FERPA, a university may not generally disclose personally identifiable information from a student record to a third party—which includes parents—without the written consent of the student. 欲知更多FERPA指引,请浏览 U.S. 教育部网站. 任何学生如希望授权第三方(如.g., a parent) to speak with the University regarding their student record should complete an Authorization for the Release of Student Information. 此表格可在注册主任办公室内联网网站查阅.
在ladbrokes立博中文版, 学生的安全和幸福, 教师, 和工作人员, 是我们的首要任务. The BSU 警察局 provides protection to the community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 警察局的工作人员与社区成员一起预防犯罪, 解决问题, 并采取积极措施,使桥水州立大学尽可能安全.
BSU为学生提供各种技术, 包括高速互联网, 无线打印和扫描, 一个包含智能停车和公交跟踪服务的移动应用程序, 在其他服务中. 给住在校园里的学生, ResNet提供了令人羡慕的技术包,包括点播内容, 高级有线电视, 无线游戏. BSU has a comprehensive technology infrastructure as well as discipline-specific labs and tools to support the mission of teaching and learning. BSU provides three general open access computer labs and 12 major specific computer labs including five Mac labs on campus.
Yes: The 荣誉项目 at ladbrokes立博中文版 is a welcoming community of almost 500 students committed to academic success, 个人目标, 社会正义, 服务, 和领导能力. Our program connects students to a diverse community of engaged citizen-scholars on campus and to a network of honors students across Massachusetts and the country. 荣誉可以帮助学生培养雇主所需要的基本技能, 喜欢口头和书面沟通技巧, 团队合作, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力, 还有自我激励和时间管理.
他们当然可以:作为2019年AURA奖的获得者, ladbrokes立博中文版 has built a nationally known 本科研究 program with significant funding and opportunities for students in any major to discover new knowledge and make original contributions to their discipline or community. 本科研究人员在批判性思维方面获得了非常宝贵的经验和技能, 解决问题, 协作, and communication—making them outstanding candidates for post-graduation competitive opportunities. 学生与教授密切合作,在项目上,他们的深度投资. Many of our graduates say that undergraduate research was the most valuable thing they did as a student.

学生无障碍服务 与有学习记录的录取学生合作, 知识, or cognitive disabilities; medical diagnoses or physical challenges; psychological diagnoses and autism. 透过学生无障碍服务, 学生可以获得教室或校园社区住宿, 获得辅助技术, 并推荐额外的资源.

The 学术成就中心 (AAC) houses a variety of 服务s that support the 知识 growth and success of students. 我们的学习援助计划, 在AAC中提供, 提供免费的写作辅导, 数学, 通信, 英语作为第二语言, 以及各种核心课程和初级课程. 如果你在课堂上遇到困难或想要制定新的策略, our staff is here to help you strengthen your critical thinking skills and build self-confidence for college and beyond. 我们还提供写作工作室、学术指导和研究服务.
BSU offers nearly 1400 internship opportunities: The Internship Program Office assists ladbrokes立博中文版 students who are eager to gain practical work experience, 培养新技能, 网络和应用课堂理论在专业设置. 每年有400多名学生参加实习. 有机会探索职业, 积累专业经验,为毕业做准备, 我们的学生提高他们的技能和资格,为他们未来的工作. 当他们发现自己喜欢的工作时, 他们可以获得学分,也可以赚取额外的收入.
ladbrokes立博中文版 holds three commencement ceremonies each spring for both Graduate and Undergraduate students. We also hold an annual Lavender Graduation to honor the lives and achievements of our GLBTA students graduating with either an undergraduate or a graduate degree.
The 金融援助 Office is here to assist you and your student in affording the cost of a college education. 这是通过发放补助金来完成的, 贷款, and student work programs and by providing students with a supportive and comfortable environment where financial aid counselors will work with students in obtaining the necessary funds they may need to attend BSU. ladbrokes立博中文版 offers a number of merit-based scholarships to students at the time of admission, 表彰杰出的学术成就和领导潜力, 奖金是27美元.联邦政府拨款500万, 每年都有州政府和大学拨款, 其中包括600多美元,给高年级学生的捐赠奖学金.
ladbrokes立博中文版提供了巨大的价值——一流的教育, 优秀的师资队伍和充满活力的学院社区, 通过国家支持的学费费率使其更容易获得. 85% of undergraduates receive financial aid and BSU offers a variety of scholarships to both new and current students.
参观 给父母和家庭的建议页面 这里有资源和建议,帮助你在学生住在校园里时提供支持.







